Thursday, April 9, 2020

A Whole New World

It's taken me a couple of weeks to wrap my brain around this new world situation. Lots of ups and downs. Time-warp-twisted emotions to sort through, and missing family that are not nearby. Then there has been the visiting of friends on-line, and for this I am eternally grateful.

It took me a couple of weeks to get back to painting. I felt just too agitated to settle into a rhythm with my paints. I'm working through it, now painting a number of small paintings at once - jumping from one to the next - influenced by life right now.
Here are a couple of pairs of Baby Mittens I've just loaded in my knitting Etsy shop. I knit year round, sort of stock piling my mittens for autumn and winter craft fairs and my SnowDayArtist Etsy shop. I don't usually load up this Etsy shop until the late fall... but who knows if we will have craft fairs this year? I'll be adding mittens to Etsy as I make them for this year.

May you be well. May your family be well.
May we all have a bright and connected future.


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