Monday, August 1, 2016

Welcome August!

Welcome August! I'm just back from Southern California. I attended a lovely family wedding at the South Coast Botanic Garden in Palos Verdes. My family is large and wildly flung across the USA. This summer has fortunately given us a BIG birthday in Vermont, a wedding in California, and soon a wedding here in Maine. It's been great to be able to be with my family this much in one year.
Now I'm back in the studio, the OLD studio. Trying  to get three paintings done before school starts! These two paintings are almost done and will be in my Etsy shop soon. My new studio is making progress. We met with our builder yesterday. The construction will start in 3 weeks - yay!

Driving home from school in June I noticed a dead Blue Jay on the road in front of a friend's house. As the sweet bird was no longer living, I saved his or her feathers. I love Blue Jay feathers. I love the blue next to the black and gray. I'm thinking there is a painting that needs to happen with these. Time will unravel this for me. Maybe a painting of blues in nature. Happy August!