Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Poppyville, and Girls in the Coop

Poppyville - my flower garden
Though I had to replant much of my vegetable garden - THANK YOU for having all the seeds I needed Johnny's Seeds! (the first planting must have rotted then vanished without a trace after the flooding we got over a month ago - those were NOT Johnny's Seeds), my flower garden is thriving. It is once again looking like something Dr. Seuss would dream up.

Wanda, Fonda, Cindy, and Mindy - interchangeable names
My Barred Rock chicks are out of their cardboard box and in the coop.

My studio is cleaned up and I have been working on a watercolor I will call 'Visual Meditation - OHD' - for the Harlow Gallery's summer member's show. The 'OHD' stands for Old Hallowell Days. I'll post the piece when it is done.